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Endometrial Polyp Removal

What are Polyps?

Polyps are small growths in the body of a person. They look like small mushrooms or flat bumps. Uterine polyps grow in the inner lining of the uterus in women. They are also called endometrial polyps.

One may have one polyp or several polyps. Uterine polyps can range in size from just a few millimetres to more than 6 centimetres. Most of uterine polyps are benign, that means, they do not cause cancer.

What are the symptoms of Uterine Polyps?

There may be no symptoms at all of the Uterine polyps, however, one can still experience the following symptoms:

  • Irregular bleeding or spotting
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Postmenopausal bleeding
  • Prolapse, which occurs when a polyp comes through the cervix and protrudes out of the uterus

What is Endometrial Polyp Removal?

The patient is either lightly or fully sedated after which the gynaecologist guides the hysteroscope into the vagina through the cervix and into the uterus. Gas or saline is released through the scope to inflate the uterus, giving a better visualization. No incision is made since the procedure is done via the vagina. The physician will remove the polyps with special scissors, a laser, or another device that uses the electricity.

What are the benefits of Endometrial Polyp Removal?


The benefits of Endometrial Polyp Removal are :

  • Most of the patients go home the same day
  • Shorter recovery time